Exhibition Design
The course interactive communication systems, deals primarily with the topic of exhibition design. Our task was to design a socially relevant topic in an appealing and interactive way. We decided to raise awareness about the issue of overfishing, while also engaging users on an emotional level and inspiring them to take action for the environment through playful interactions.
My Role/Services
Prototyping, Concept & 3D-model
Nicole Krein
Jannes Daur
Louise Tritschler
Project & Year
University Project, Summer 2022
Thematic Focus
Our goal was to show overfishing holistically with concrete facts as a global problem. Thus, it was important for us that especially the core issues of overfishing such as net types, fishing and bycatch were integrated. Finally, we wanted to give an outlook on how serious the situation can become with a future scenario. This should encourage the user to take action.
Bottom trawls when fishing
A turtle as bycatch
Put down the Diver
Our exhibit consists of several components that simplify navigation but also provide an immersive experience to encourage users to try it out.
They are encouraged by, for example, an interactive crank that lowers a diver into a cylindrical water tank when used. This diver is the protagonist of the concept and experiences with you the different checkpoints where information is transmitted. The cylinder of our exhibit also indicates the depth of the sea.
The checkpoints with the corresponding content are shown on a touch display, which can also be used to playfully acquire more detailed information at the current checkpoint. To make the experience even more immersive, we have equipped the exhibit with headphones so that the surroundings can also be faded out.
Not only concept...
We didn't want our prototype to just look good or remain a concept thing, we decided to make it completely functional. We used a rotary encoder, stepper motor plus a bunch of boolean variables that made the diver really react to the crank so that you could go back as well as deeper into the story.
They are encouraged by, for example, an interactive crank that lowers a diver into a cylindrical water tank when used. This diver is the protagonist of the concept and experiences with you the different checkpoints where information is transmitted. The cylinder of our exhibit also indicates the depth of the sea.
The checkpoints with the corresponding content are shown on a touch display, which can also be used to playfully acquire more detailed information at the current checkpoint. To make the experience even more immersive, we have equipped the exhibit with headphones so that the surroundings can also be faded out.
3D particles and animation.
The sea creatures were designed from so-called particles to metaphorically underpin the dissolution of the real fish population with the dissolution of our animated fish in the future scenario. These particle creatures were created individually in Cinema 4D, exported as PNG & reassembled into a GIF. This allowed us to add 3D animations to our interface.
animated sea creatures
Not just a boring click through
It was important to us that you don't just click through the interface and see boring texts. We wanted to engage the user emotionally, draw attention to a topic that is becoming more and more relevant and at the same time help them to reflect on their own actions in this context. We can claim to have achieved this goal, as we took the users along auditorily as well as visually, not forgetting that every interaction contributes to explaining the issue of overfishing in more detail.
final concept video
During the process, we realized that sometimes it can also be useful not to take on too much and to keep an eye on the scope. In our project, we wanted to implement so much, but that is often also contrary to what is possible. Good time management is essential.