The purpose of the app Splitwise is to keep track of debts among users, particularly for group trips and shared households. However, it has some weaknesses in terms of usability. We wanted to identify these weaknesses, adjust the design to make it more usable, and implement new delight features, based on the user needs.
My Role/Services
Design & Concept
Johannes Rothkegel
Sarah Fütterling
Project & Year
University Project, Winter 2022
Design Thinking
Understand – Competitor analysis
In the beginning, we conducted a competitor analysis to determine which features or functionalities are competitive in the market and also to identify which functionalities Splitwise might require.
Understand – Interviews and Surveys
To validate this, we carried out user interviews utilizing appropriately designed surveys and interviews to gain a better understanding of the usage context. Our aim was to identify any missing or poorly implemented features for our users.
would like to have a function for repetitive payments
use the app often for shared household payments
request a feature to see current exchange rates
Understand – Prioritize the features
Based on this, we were able to categorize and prioritize the features of the app in order to decide which functions require the most urgent optimization, which ones to keep, and which ones may even be unnecessary.
Explore - Searching for Solutions
Initial solutions were developed based on wireframes. We did a lot of variations to find the perfect navigation architecture.
We decided to improve the entry-process for group payments, as we considered it the most important feature with the greatest potential for improvement.
Explore – Prototyping and User-Testing
After we decided which features we want to keep and add in the redesign of the entry-process for group payments, we started designing high-fidelity wireframes. We designed various interaction concepts to find the best solution for the navigation.
variations of navigation concepts for the group overview
key screens for ui design
To test different navigation concepts quickly, we created three clickable prototypes and conducted user testing. Based on the feedback we received, we developed a final navigation concept. Additionally, we designed three key screens that served as a guide for creating the final UI design.
Materialize – Find the perfect visual design
Many variations were created, particularly in the color scheme, to find a suitable new style that encompasses all the brand identifiers.
design variants
Result - Less is more
The final result reflects the original colors of the app. The financial theme, which tends to be dry, is lightened up with data graphs to visualize debt levels and appropriate animations. We tried to significantly reduce the Visual Design in the process to simplify entering debts. Of course, we also implemented the user-requested currency conversion as well as the possibility to enter repetitive payments.
final key screens
final concept video
In the process, we learned that creating variants is essential and that the first concept rarely brings the best result. We also realized that in most cases less is more in terms of usability.